
Mark Khaisman creates works of art out a medium that most of us don’t even think of as a medium: packing tape. That’s right, the same stuff you use to put together boxes. Clear, 2-inch packing tape. Khaisman layers the tape on Plexiglas and then places his creations in front of light boxes to create startlingly realistic images, mainly of faces.

Khaisman explains: “My Tape Art is a conversation with light. I started it like a traditional stained glass artist, but with tape: I found I could continue my conversation with light, but in a more expedient manner. I might have never thought of this “medium” if not for my working in stained glass. Yet, tapes happened to be much more than just a replacement of the stained glass medium. It miraculously bonded together all my previous experiences.”

See more of Khaisman’s work on his website.

Darcy Zacharias, CC ’10

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